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![]() A collecscion of protagonists Mago Ormond / Maestro Elah is an anchorman who is persuaded of working in a phantomatic radio station called Radio Babbo 19. He take two different identities and sometimes he mix the one with the other. The first a truffaldin ciarlatan who read the charts at people telephonating during the transmission, the second is an aggressive, impatient and maleducated conductor of relax sessions during the transmission. Klaus Koriza is a desperate deficient raccomandated, who has obtained the role of official reporter of Ondestorte on Genova interland. Ha has always a ready service but everytimes he purpose a big puttanat as a scoop, as an incredible an exclusive new. This year Koriza will occupy himself of human cases, going door to door near the pain. ![]() The coffetteer of Mago Ormond Konstantin Lupescu is a manager of a Romania Hotels' Chain who try desperately to export the "Dormitoriul Blokul 1" abroad as a franchising. He base his promotion on the tales of terribles therapies and vomitous aliments propinated at Dormitoriul Blokul's clients. But the most terrible aspect of this obscure idiot is his poetic vein: his small poems are a really concentrated of repulsive, perverted, depravated abitudes of his terrible resort. Derek Vissani is the official chef of Ondestorte and his intervents oscillate between a raffinate and intelligent irony and a trivial and mafious arrogance, but all is always temperated by a new kind of mental absence and a real aggressive stupidity. He pretend of be a chef but always give always the same recipe to thousand of desperate housewives: Asino al Cardo, whith the typical procedure for donkey preparation: privation of aculeys, opening a libretto, disposition a scacchiera and overall the famous "cottura a crudo" (raw cooking). Pedro Feroci (see Gotha) Felix Zampa da Cantalupo is a specilizated mentecat who substain to be a animals expert but when he brings animals in transmission he never shows them, accampating the motiv that in the radio images are not necessary but we are certain that himself does amimals voices. Actually Zampas has a sweet, delicated rubrik (La Storia siete Voi) that speaks about the Italy of afterwar period, full of nostalgic sentiment but based however on a gross misanderstanding. Indro Carburi is a south italian specialized in giving a global vision of the situation on italian and international roads. He is completely lobotomized and has not a real perception of the streets web. His reports generaly terms with an explosion of crying for an ipotetic disaster that is generally a colossal minkiat invented by Carburi to suscitate attention. Joe Scognamiglio (see Gotha) ![]() A particulary intense overview of Mizzy Improta Mildred Improta said Mizzy is an english teacher or directress of a presunt Institute Contessa di Pancera in Genova. She's english because she was in Iglesias. Mizzy is accused by staff of an excessive moralism and a sexuophobic behaviour, aggraved by the fact of trying to inculcate this terrible priciples to the pupil girls. But actually Mildred has revelated his real sexual identity that is a very enjoing and illimitated user of males attitudes in many customized positions. Claudio Fraudolento (see Gotha) Corso Mentana is a journalist incaricated by Ondestorte to give the press release, indicating and commentating the most important titles on newspapers and magazines. He is completely unable and reads mixed words on first pages whithout understanding anything. He is not coadiuvated by the staff that use the magazines to beat Corso Mentana while he is speaking. ![]() Pedro Feroci's swimming pool at Miami Beach Erasmo da Rotterdam (see Gotha) Anentodio Friulzi detto Flacca (see Gotha) Ankelo Manuel Ortega is a spanish sexual maniac who blows fantastic sexual performances and reduce all the life into a sexual rapport or a series of sexual rapports where the woman and the man are considered exclusively sex machines actuating all kinds of sexual situations. Remain famous the "Steca de carne" as a description of his sexual organ. For his sexual abitudes Ortega was brought in jail were he was forced to masturbating. His eyes are now at risk. ![]() Flacca while quiet Krossky Scrotoff is an illusionist coming from Villalvernia, a small town near Tortona. He's also russian because his father is from Voghera. The particularity of this magician is the sparition of all kind of objects but his secret has been scoperted. Certainly we dont reveal it here. Listen the transmission and you'll discover tha great ability of Mr. Scrotoff. Ondestorte has affidated to Krossky Scrotof the collegament with Radio Moldavia, a gemellate emittent in the east Europe. Lapio Bidetti. None knows where is Lapio Bidetti and neither Bidetti too. He does radio - chronicles but is not clear about what. He give reports among the most strange competitions or events: dogs orgy, world championship of sexual organs extension, fish-launch matches, escrement fighting, spanking bondage competitions. Maybe Bidetti is the too stupid even for Ondestorte but yhei give him always anothe chance. ![]() The golf clubs of Indro Carburi Jerry Marsala is an incopetent and anfetaminic anchorman wo conduces "Mi porta Matrix" a program that conglobated in few minutes Rai's "Porta a Porta" and "Mi manda Rai 3" and Fininvest's "Matrix". The small program is a real disaster: sigles, telephon, guests and collegaments with far reporters make of Jerry Marsala a ball into a flipper during a terremote. After few puntats Marsala has been recoverated in a specialized clinic for logothymics but he is peggiorating. |